Conscious Leadership
When you go about the work of conscious leadership, you often:
Increase personal awareness and understanding
Identify personal and professional blindspots
Improve your communication, clarity, and trust
Grow an ability to identify - and tools to resolve - conflicts
Increase your level of candor and ability to reveal withholds
Foster deeper, more authentic, lasting connection with others
“It might sound dramatic, but I discovered a whole new version of myself with this group—one that embodies patience, confidence, and unshakable honesty.”
- Sara, forum member + startup coo
Conscious Leadership is simple, and magical:
The more we can understand about ourselves, our motivations, our core patterns, and the way we move about the world, the more we’re able to create the reality we desire.
This is the work, the fun, the challenge, and the growth edge… for all of us.
sure. ok... but what does that actually mean?
Conscious Leadership IS:
A practice—one that builds over time—of becoming more aware of ourselves and the people around us.
A set of tools and techniques to improve awareness, ease communication, and reduce drama at work and at home.
A set of choices that we acknowledge we are making in almost every moment - consciously, or unconsciously.
Adapted from well-known and thoroughly-researched psychological and organizational development concepts.
A way to foster more openness, positivity, and even… FUN!
Conscious Leadership IS NOT:
A quick-fix solution.
We may uncover patterns or motivations that take time and effort to change.
Primarily about how to deal with others.
We turn inwards first, before turning outward to our teams and communities.
A hard-and-fast belief system.
Change and freedom is expected and encouraged.
Exclusively for ‘executives’, C-level folk, or ‘startup people.’
Keith has worked closely with over 100 clients, including Fortune 500 executives, child care workers, small startup teams, service industry professionals, and more.
Have questions? Check out the FAQ page or reach out to Keith today!
Let’s find a way to empower you and your team to become even more amazing leaders.
Typically, engagements include one or more of the following:
Retreats + Workshops
Three-hour to multi-day workshops and retreats offer an immersive experience for any group or team.
$3,000-$6,000/day, sliding scale available
Individual Coaching
Personal, intensive, connected feedback on your own leadership and self-development.
Fee varies, sliding scale available. Avg. $200-$500/session, 3mo minimum commitment.
Leadership Forum
A dedicated, ten-month commitment with an intimate group of leaders and coaches.
$3,500/ten-month session, discounts for prior forum, workshop, or retreat participants.