Conscious Leadership Forum offers an incredible opportunity to deepen your self-awareness and develop a regular practice of Conscious Leadership across your life and throughout the year.

Virtual Forum is a ten-month small group format that offers a chance to engage with an intimate group of leaders focused on personal and professional growth, and receive radical support from the group in the form of reflections and feedback, a commitment to vulnerability, and a climate of trust.

Registration for the 2022 Virtual Forum is currently open.

📷 @benovator

What to Expect:

  • A group feedback process that supports discovering, revealing, and remedying long-hidden blind spots and unconscious commitments.

  • Long-recycling issues will receive attention and will often reach a resolution.

  • An unwavering commitment to transparency allows everyone’s most authentic self to come forward.

  • A group dedicated to aligning with the core principles of Conscious Leadership creates a rare climate of trust that sets the stage for radical transformation.

How is a Conscious Leadership Forum different from other forums?

  • Conscious Leadership Forums focus on context, while most other groups focus on the content of a member’s issue. We listen in order to understand the content but our primary focus is on the context from which the content arises. In doing so, we support members in permanently resolving issues.

  • Participants meet and support each other not only during sessions - but continuing through the year.

  • Forums will prioritize self-awareness over socializing, giving business advice, or networking.

Who may participate?

The ideal forum participant will:

  • Take conscious responsibility for their influence in the world.

  • Commit to curiosity, value learning over being right, and be open to giving and receiving feedback.

  • Show dedication to living in alignment with the core principles of Conscious Leadership.

Who is a great fit for forum?

  • Entrepreneurs + Founders

  • Team Leads

  • Non-profit Leaders

  • Leaders in Transition

  • Emerging Leaders with Big Visions

  • You!

What is the investment?

The investment to participate in 2022 forums is $3,500.

Individuals who have previously attended a conscious leadership event, retreat, or forum receive a discounted rate of $2,500.

Are there any other requirements?

Participants must have previous experience with the concepts and choices of Conscious Leadership.

Attendance at a multi-day Leadership Camp (or another conscious leadership event/training) is preferred, but not required.

Dates + Times:

  • Third Wednesdays

  • February-November 2022

  • 6:00-9:00pm MST

  • 100% Virtual, on Zoom

LEVEL UP your leadership - Join us.

If you’re interested in joining the 2022 Virtual Conscious Leadership Forum or have any additional questions, please reach out today.